What is Corrective Exercise
and how do you know if you need it?
Corrective Exercise (CE) is a method of exercise training that uses the science of biomechanics and neural programming to fix movement compensation patterns and movement limitations.
It's a fancy way of saying...I help you turn on the right muscles in your body and get the cranky muscles to calm down.
Together we evaluate how your muscle and skeletal system work together and find places where your muscles are 'stuck', creating imbalances, and potentially pain.
Clients say it's like a gentle yet deep reawakening experience.
Over the course of your life, muscles shift to support your bones using the path-of-least-resistance ... not always in a balanced way. This can lead to pain and injury.
Corrective Exercise works to ease the impacts of repetitive movements and patterns built up over a lifetime to help you improve your body mechanics, joint function and overall body balance so you're not only moving better, you're preventing future injuries.
How does it work?
We complete a thorough movement assessment to identify what's happening in YOUR body, then develop a personalized, progressive exercise plan designed to correct limitations and issues.
The focus is NOT on changing body composition or getting to a certain weight. It's about helping your muscles and connective tissue perform at full capacity...
So you can live the life you love
without pain.
What kind of exercises will you do?
It depends on your body! But in general, we use a mix of foam rolling, joint mobility, myofascial release, banded exercises, proprioceptive exercises and bodyweight exercises (often different on each side of the body depending on your imbalances). Massage therapy can speed up your results too!
Are you ever 'done' with Corrective Exercise?
Yes! Once you've successfully moved a movement pattern to more balance and are no longer experiencing pain, we turn to strengthening in that pattern to keep it there and help you get stronger. However, anytime you have a change in movement patterns or uptick in pain, we can apply Corrective Exercise techniques again to get you back in alignment. (ie, when your back / knee / hip suddenly starts hurting when you start a new exercise routine!)

Ready to See Results?

Not sure if Corrective Exercise is right for you?
Book at free 20-min chat to strategize the best way forward!
Ready to get started?
Book a 90-min Starter Session which includes a complete movement assessment, starter exercise list + follow-along video, and one week of text support to answer questions + troubleshooting.